A United Coalition for Change

January 8, 2015: Working Teamsters were hammered with concessions in 2014.

Teamster leaders who showed how to fight for good contracts are building a coalition for change.
Teamster leaders who stood up for Teamster contracts and pensions in 2014 are helping to build a coalition for change in 2016.
Local 804 President Tim Sylvester united UPS Teamsters in New York City to win pension increases, grievance procedure reform, and 150 new full-time jobs. 
“Other Teamsters were taking givebacks. But Tim showed us we can fight back. We won a $400 increase in our pension and a damn good contact,” said shop steward Mark Cohen.
Local 89 President Fred Zuckerman united members in Louisville to Vote No to reject concessions by 94 percent. In a low point for our union, the Hoffa administration sided with UPS, overrode the 94 percent No Vote and imposed concessions in Local 89.
But even Hoffa and IBT meddling could not stop Zuckerman and Local 89 members from a contract victory that won top-scale wages, pensions and healthcare for some 200 Teamster carhaulers, with back pay worth up to $50 million.
Now these Teamster leaders who built Teamster power in their local unions are teaming up to build a national coalition for change.
Sylvester and Zuckerman have spoken at rank-and-file meetings along with Sandy Pope, the TDU backed 2011 candidate for General President, and Tony Jones, the President of Columbus Local 413.
The anti-Hoffa forces were split into two camps in the last election—and Hoffa won over a divided opposition.
This time, officers and rankand-file activists are building a united coalition of Teamsters who want to rebuild Teamster power.
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