July 28, 2010: The Package Division is holding a telephone Conference Call on Thursday night, July 29 to update UPS Teamsters.
The rescheduled conference call will update stewards and assistant stewards about UPS issues as well as the status of legislation that would make it easier for our union to organize FedEx.
The original conference call on these topics was scheduled for two weeks ago. But the conference call had technical problems and the call was cut off after just a few minutes.
For reasons they don’t explain, the Hoffa administration has once again scheduled the call when many package car drivers are still on the truck.
All package car drivers in the West are effectively excluded because the call is being held at 5:30 PM Pacific Time. At 6:30 Mountain Time and 7:30 Central Time, many package car Teamsters in these regions won’t be able to attend either.
There are ways to schedule these calls if the IBT is really serious about communicating with UPS Teamsters, including holding separate calls for the different time zones.
We urge all UPS Teamsters who can to participate in the conference call. Contact TDU to get the call-in number and access code. TDU will report on the call for stewards and members unable to attend.