UPS Freight Bargaining to Open

September 21, 2012: Officers from UPS Freight locals met in Chicago today to review the union's bargaining demands for the negotiations, which formally open on September 27.

Small Package Division director Ken Hall gave a report and went over the demands, at a meeting that lasted an hour. It followed a similar meeting on the UPS contract.

Hall stated that UPS Freight has not been profitable, so he would keep union demands modest.

In fact, UPS's own financial reports for 2011 and mid-year 2012 reflect the fact that they are happy with UPS Freight's growth and profitability.

On the critical issue of subcontracting out union jobs, the union is demanding that the second paragraph in Article 44 be deleted, as it contradicts the anti-subcontracting language of the first paragraph.

Hall stated the order of priority for monetary issues would be 1) pensions, 2) health care, and 3) wages.

There were several questions and concerns raised about the proposals from the floor, then a motion was made to end the meeting. Some officers later told us they believe that on issues of subcontracting, use of casuals, bidding, and other operational issues, the demands could benefit by taking good language from the freight contract.

The union officers were not allowed to keep copies of the union proposals. Hall stated this was because TDU would make them available to members before he has a chance to hand them to management next week. He stated they would be provided to all locals at that time.

UPS Freight Teamsters are building a network of members to have a voice in bargaining. Click here to visit, sign up for email updates and have your say!

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