UPS Freight: National Day of Unity

February 11, 2013: Negotiations between the International union and UPS Freight are getting serious – the time is now for members to stand united and strong for a good contract.

On a conference call with officers last Friday, IBT Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall stated that two key issues are ending subcontracting, and health care premiums the company forces onto members.

On the health care issue, the union is demanding at UPS Package that members retain fully company-paid health insurance.  In response to management's demand that Teamsters in package pay up to $90 per week for health insurance, Hall stated that "We're not paying $90. We're not paying $9. We're not paying 9¢. We're not paying premiums for health insurance for a company that made $4.38 billion," Hall said.

That same statement should apply to UPS Freight, too. Teamsters at ABF, YRC and other major companies pay nothing for health insurance.

We didn't win that in our first contract – now is the time to win parity with other Teamsters on health insurance.

The union has also demanded an end to subcontracting. This is a must-win issue to protect jobs and our union strength. Teamsters at ABF, YRC and other companies already enjoy this basic protection.

The International Union is calling on all locals to make February 21 a day of unity. Stickers about the issues of health insurance and subcontracting will be distributed to all locals to provide to members, for a show of unity for a good contract.

National negotiations resume shortly after February 21.

Click here to view or download a petition to UPS CEO Scott Davis – find out how you can help win a better contract.

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