Updated June 6, 2014: The IBT has not made the new UPS Master Agreement available. TDU has produced one for Teamsters to use to enforce the contract.
TDU has compiled and posted the 2013-2018 UPS Master Agreement for Teamsters to download and use, as well as the Central Region and Western Region Supplements and various riders. More supplements and riders will be posted soon.
We combined the new negotiated changes with the old language. To make it easy to spot the changes, the new language appears in bold type. Deleted language is not indicated.
This contract download is an unofficial document prepared by Teamsters for a Democratic Union for use by UPS Teamsters, stewards and local union reps. It has not been approved by the IBT.
In the past, the Hoffa-Hall administration has always taken over a year (!) to print up contract books. Apparently contract enforcement is a very low priority to them.
Your contract consists of the National Master and also a regional supplement and in some areas a local rider. Because there are dozens of supplements and riders, we have not been able to compile and post 2013-2018 versions them. The changes to those supplement and riders are available here.