Vegas Teamsters Expose Sweetheart Deals, Throw Out Officials

Teamsters in Las Vegas Local 631 will have new leadership next year, thanks to members who voted out officials who were cutting sweetheart deals.

Earlier this year, members in the Las Vegas convention industry exposed blew the whistle on a scheme where the union set up a nonunion hiring hall inside the union hall.

Nonunion workers paid $60 to take jobs that should have gone to union members. Union members got their hours cut. And family members of the executive board got in on the deal.

Members elected a slate led by rank-and-file members who pledged honest leadership and an end to sweetheart deals.

Click here to read more about their election victory in the Las Vegas Sun.

Click here to read the original Las Vegas Sun article that exposed sweetheart deals in the convention industry.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union is running a series of stories about Teamster members who made a difference in 2008. Click here to read more stories in our series.

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