The War on Workers

March 25, 2011: Corporate America is after our contracts, our benefits, even our right to bargain.

Is Hoffa up to the challenge?

Employers and corporate politicians are taking advantage of the recession to come after union members like never before.

Good jobs with good benefits that generations of union members fought to win are under attack.

As North America’s most powerful union, the Teamsters needs to take the lead in fighting back.

As we go to press, new attacks are hitting working Teamsters.

Freight Teamsters are being hit with the worst pension cuts in our union’s history.

Two-thirds of YRC Teamsters have just lost their already-earned pension credits for 25- and 30-and-out, pensions they worked hard for, thanks to Hoffa’s blunders in the freight industry. Teamsters in other funds will also be affected.

Even corporations that are highly profitable are taking advantage of the recession to come after working Teamsters. The largest third-party warehouse distribution employer in the country, C&S, is axing 2,000 Teamster jobs and taking their work nonunion.

UPS made $5.8 billion in profit last year. They’ve quadrupled the CEO’s salary. But UPS Teamsters face record production harassment and job cuts.

This War Can Be Won

The War on Workers can be won. But we need a rank-and-file army—and we need a general who is willing to fight. Hoffa hasn’t done anything in his 12 years in office to show that he’s prepared for the challenges ahead of us. We need new leadership and a new direction.

Workers in Wisconsin showed that rebuilding union power starts at the grassroots. If we want to win, we’ve got to act. It’s time to fight for a Teamsters Union that will fight for us.

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