Railroad Workers United has produced a Rail Workers Labor History Calendar for 2018. Each month features a different photo from rail labor history of a strike, picket, rally or other rank-and-file action.
Over one hundred fifty dates of historic significance to railroad workers and their unions are included throughout the year.
Calendars are $15 each. Order 5 or more and get a discount. Proceeds go to benefit Railroad Workers United.
Railroad Workers United brings together rank-and-file rail workers from many unions, including the Teamsters.
It works to build union-based safety programs, fights efforts to impose one-person crews, advocates for coordinated bargaining and solidarity among all railroad workers and their unions.
To learn more and to order online, see the RWU Store at http://railworkersunited.storenvy.com/
Or mail your order together with a check for $15 to Railroad Workers United, P.O. Box 2131, Reno NV 89505.