ABF Teamsters Vote 98% Authorizing Strike if Necessary

In a show of unity, Teamsters at several locals, including some of the biggest ABF terminals, voted by 98% over the past two weeks to authorize a strike. The vote sent a signal to the company that its propaganda is not weakening rank and file solidarity.


No strike is on the horizon: the contract doesn't expire until March 31, and an additional, system-wide strike vote would be needed before any work stoppage would begin. Votes were taken in Chicago Local 710, Dayton Local 957, Kansas City Local 41 and Harrisburg Local 776, along with a number of other locals. A few locals -- such as Columbus Local 413 -- voted unanimously. 

ABF Teamsters want wage and vacation concessions restored, job protection to prevent erosion of Teamster road jobs, and no givebacks of any kind. 

Join ABF Teamsters United to fight for a good contract. ABF Teamsters United is a grassroots campaign to win the contract we deserve. 

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