We’ve taken back our union and won new leadership and a new direction. Join Teamster leaders and rank-and-file activists at the TDU Convention to plan what’s next, October 28-30 in Chicago.
Roundtable With Top Teamster Leaders
General President Sean O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman headline the list of International Union leaders who will be at the TDU Convention.
It’s been a big year for the Teamsters. We’ll talk about where we’ve been and where we’re headed, including in organizing, freight, T-Force, education and more.
UPS Contract Campaign Summit
The contract covering 350,000 Teamsters at UPS expires next summer. At the UPS Contract Campaign Summit, you’ll hear from our contract negotiating committee co-chairs Sean and Fred and share ideas with Rob Atkinson, the IBT’s UPS contract campaign coordinator.
We’ll be holding workshops on the contract campaign and UPS grievance handling all weekend long.
Educational Workshops
The TDU Convention will feature more than 20 educational workshops and breakout sessions, including the Legal Rights of Union Stewards, Running for Local Union Office, Mock Grievance Hearing, Contract Enforcement Toolbox, Winning Arguments in Disciplinary Cases, and more.
The Convention will feature breakout meetings with Teamsters from your industry and caucus meetings for African-American, Latino, and women Teamsters.