Union Financial Reports Now Available

The 2020 financial reports filed with the Department of Labor by locals, joint councils and the IBT are now available on line; the deadline for filing was March 31.  

These LM-2 reports are public information. Click here for simple instructions and a link to the site.

The International Union’s 2020 LM-2 report shows that the year-end membership was 1.20 million, and that Hoffa was paid a salary of $331,745, with additional allowances for a total of $407,689.  

The International Union report is over 200 pages long, but most Local Union reports are a few pages.

Each fall TDU compiles and publishes a comprehensive list of Teamster officers’ salaries from this public information. 

Last fall we were not publishing our newspaper, Teamster Voice, due to the pandemic so our report is delayed, but it will issue soon.  

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