Join a national conference call to discuss the contract offer with UPS Freight Teamsters & Teamster officers who are Voting No.
We will talk about the serious givebacks and weaknesses in the proposed contract—and what UPS Freight Teamsters can do to defeat the givebacks and win a better contract.
Hear from UPS Freight Teamsters and Teamster leaders, including local officers, Joint Council leaders, International Vice Presidents, and members of the National Negotiating Committee, who are Voting No.
The call will be held on Sunday, August 12 at:
4 pm Eastern
3 pm Central
2 pm Mountain
1 pm Pacific
Click here to register for the Conference Call and we will send you the call-in number and code so you can join the call.
You can also register by texting UPSF to 94253.
Register for the call—and then tell other UPS Freight Teamsters to register too. We can defeat contract givebacks, but we have to work together to get UPS Freight Teamsters to Vote No in record numbers.