Wisconsin Retirees and Teamsters to Rally at Democratic Debate

Teamster retiree and current members plan to rally outside the Democratic Party debate on Thursday at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. The rally will raise strong opposition to proposed cuts to their Central States pensions. 


Bernie Sanders, Senate sponsor of the Keep Our Pension Promises Act (KOPPA), will undoubtedly draw attention to the attack on working people during the debate. Activists plan to make the pension issue front and center of any media coverage. 

The rally will commence at 4 pm, prior to the debate at UW Milwaukee. Parking is provided in the Summerfest Parking area – 591 East Erie St. Meet at the south end of the area - shuttle buses are being provided by Teamster Local 200. Shuttle rides begin at 2:30 pm. For further info contact the Wisconsin Committee to Protect Pensions chair: Bob Amsden 414-688-5010.

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