Our credible strike threat eliminated two-tier 22.4. Learn the facts about what that means for you after all current 22.4s become RPCDs.
UPS Tentative Agreement Q&A for 22.4s
I’m a 22.4 driver. What happens to me when the contract is ratified?
All current 22.4s will be reclassified as RPCDs and placed into seniority.
What is the new progression as an RPCD?
RPCD Progression:
One year: $24
Two years: $25
Three years: $30.75
Four years: Top rate
RPCD Top Rate (may vary depending on your Supplement or Rider):
Aug 1 2024: $45.00
Aug 1 2025: $45.75
Aug 1 2026: $46.75
Aug 1 2027: $49.00
If I’m in progression, do I get the general wage increase?
Yes. All drivers, including those currently in progression, will receive the general wage increase every year on August 1. If the general wage increase puts you above what you are entitled to under the progression, you will receive the higher rate of pay. If the general wage increase leaves you below what you are entitled to under progression, then you go to the progression rate instead:
- A current 22.4 with more than 2 but less than 3 years of seniority who currently makes $22.75, will receive the $2.75 general wage increase on August 1, going up to $25.50. Since $25.50 is greater than the new RPCD two-year rate of $25, they will remain at $25.50 until their 3-year anniversary date when they will go up to $30.75.
- A current 22.4 with 3 years of seniority who currently makes $25.00 will receive the $2.75 wage increase and an additional $3.00 to reach the new RPCD 3-year rate of $30.75, and will go up to top rate on their 4-year anniversary.
When I become an RPCD, will I get a Monday-Friday schedule?
If you are currently a 22.4, you will remain on a Tuesday-Saturday schedule. Bidding workweek schedules and routes will go by seniority. The bidding process is outlined in your Supplement or Rider.
Will I get a regular route?
That depends on your bidding. The bidding process is outlined in your Supplement or Rider.
Will I have the right to 8-hour requests?
You will have a right to 8-hour requests immediately upon ratification.
Will I have 9.5 rights?
To get 9.5 rights you must meet one of the following criteria: (1) cover a route for a full week, (2) you bid or are assigned to cover a route for a full week, or (3) have four years of seniority as a full-time driver. Your time as a 22.4 counts toward your full-time driver seniority.
Can I be forced to work a 6th punch?
No. UPS cannot force you to work any day outside of your regular schedule.
Tentative Agreement Toolkit
Our credible strike threat has made UPS deliver a contract win we can be proud of. Help members understand what we won and the ins and outs of the proposed contract with the UPS Tentative Agreement Toolkit. We’ll be updating this page regularly with leaflets and answers to frequently asked questions. Use the toolkit in parking lot meetings, break rooms, and at the gates to help members cast an informed vote.