This event has sold out. To stay informed about upcoming activities and workshops, or to get in touch, click here.
Workshops & Topics Include:
- Organizing Members to Take Union Action
- Protecting UPSers from Harassment & Discipline
- Using UPS’s Own Information to Take on Management & Win
- Proven Strategies for Disciplinary Meetings
- Ending IBT Givebacks & the Two-Thirds Rule
- The Future of the Teamsters Union & the Labor Movement
Sunday, March 24 from 9:30am-3:30pm at 195 Montague Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
This event has sold out. To stay informed about upcoming activities and workshops, or to get in touch, click here.
March 24, 2019 at 9:30am - 3:30pm
John McGough
· 718-287-3283
Sorry, this event is sold out.