Becoming a Convention Delegate

Your Local Union will hold an election for delegates in just a short time––and you can be a part of the process.

What’s a delegate?

Every Teamster local—including yours—will hold an election for delegates and alternate delegates to attend the Teamster Convention, which will be held in Las Vegas on June 27 through July 1, 2016.

Click here to download a leaflet on how you can be a Teamster Delegate.

Why are delegates important?

The Teamster Convention is the highest body of our union. The entire Teamster Constitution will be up for review—every article in it is up for possible amendment or change. Reform delegates will put forward specific changes to make our union more accountable to members, and all delegates get a vote.

The Teamster Convention will also nominate candidates to run for Teamster president, and all the vice president positions. Hoffa will be nominated at that convention, and reform delegates will no doubt nominate candidates to run against the Hoffa slate. It takes 5% of the delegates to nominate candidates, and more than that to get democratic proposals passed.

The Convention is also a media event, and an excellent opportunity for Teamster reformers—including rank and filers—to get our story out to fellow Teamsters and the public.

You can be part of charting a new direction for our union.

When, where and how?

By September 30th each local must submit a proposed Local Union Plan to the Election Supervisor, regarding the delegate election. You will know the date of nominations and the election in your local.

Nominations will be in January or February 2016, and ballots will be mailed 30 days after nominations to all members of your local.

The whole election process will be overseen by the staff of the impartial Election Supervisor, Richard Mark. Local officials are not overseeing the election. The Election Supervisor's website is

Who is eligible to run?

Any member who has been in continuous good standing for 24 consecutive months prior to nominations is eligible to run.

So, unless a member fell behind on their dues in the past two years, they are eligible to run.

How many delegates does my local get to elect?

That depends on the size of the local. A small local, with under 1376 members, gets to elect one delegate and one alternate delegate. A local with 3000 members will elect four delegates, and at least one alternate. A local with 7000 members will elect nine delegates, and at least three alternates.

Click here to find out how many delegates your local can elect.

Any group of two or more members running can form a slate, and put their slate name or slogan right on the ballot.

It sounds a little complicated—how do I get help with running?

You can contact Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), where you can get a full briefing, sample campaign materials, website help, campaign ideas and tactics, and expert advice on the Election Rules. You can get a workshop in your area if others are interested. You can also obtain the book "Running for Office" from TDU.

Many rank and file Teamsters do win delegate races, if they put in the effort and learn the right way to do it. It is easier to win a delegate election than a local union officer election; and often becomes a stepping-stone to winning a local election later.

If I win, what kind of help can I get?

In the spring of 2016, after the elections, TDU will hold one-day delegate training schools, where you will hear from experienced delegates, and get DVDs of important sections of previous conventions. You will also be able to share your ideas with other reform delegates. At the 2016 Convention in Las Vegas, TDU will hold meetings each evening for briefings and help for delegates.

During the week a delegate is at the Convention, the Local Union must get you a leave of absence from work and pay your wages and benefits. This is all part of the Election Rules.

What would it mean for the future?

It could mean a new direction for our union, and a new leadership. In your own local, it could mean you now have a lot more experience, knowledge and credibility with your fellow Teamsters.

How do I get started?

Call TDU and talk it over. There may already be folks in your local working together to make it happen. Or, you can start the ball rolling yourself.

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