It’s official: UPS Teamsters (both full-time and part-time) will get a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) raise of $.82 on August 1, 2022 on top of the base wage raise of $1.00.
Photo: Stefan Woidig, Creative Commons
Article 33 of the UPS Master Agreement provides some protection from inflation, if the cost of living goes up over 3%, based on the year of May 2021 to May 2022. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has just released the May figures, and the inflation index (CPI-W) rose 9.3% .
UPS Teamsters not in the progression will get a raise of $1.82.Teamsters in a four-year progression won’t get the raise or COLA until they reach top scale.
The COLA and raise will be reflected in the first pay period following August 1, 2022.