UPS Harassment: Deja Vu All Over Again

Layoffs. Harassment. Petty discipline. UPS management is on a tear. It’s a horrible way to run a company, but sadly it’s nothing new. In 2009, TDU exposed a UPS management memo promising to cut costs by harassing employees and violating the contract. Fifteen years later, it’s the same crap and worse.

Photo: US Department of Agriculture, Flickr Creative Commons

After last year’s contract victory, management wants to “put us back in our place.” UPS Teamsters have not forgotten that we make this company run. We demand respect. 

We can protect ourselves from discipline and layoffs. Here are some UPS Teamsters United resources to help empower members to defend the contract and push back on management:

That's just the beginning. Sign up for future UPS Teamsters United webinars. Organize or attend a UPS Teamsters United workshop in your area. Contact TDU to talk to an organizer about enforcing the contract and building a stronger union where you work. Get in touch here.

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