Thanks for joining TDU’s Briefing for Teamster Convention Delegates and Alternates.
The virtual Convention presents new challenges. Advance preparation and coordination will be more important than ever.
Here are some important follow-up materials.
- Download the OZ-Teamsters United Delegate Packet
- Read new Teamster Convention information put out by the IBT
Take the Pledge to support OZ-Teamsters United Candidates and Convention Platform, and share the pledge with other delegates.
- Register for the OZ-Teamsters United Briefing for Delegates and Alternates on Tuesday, June 15 at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT / 6pm MDT / 5pm PDT.
Please take 60 seconds to let us know what you thought of today’s meeting and how you’d like to be involved going forward.
Fill Out the Feedback & Volunteer Form