With peak season over and volume down, it’s “hunting season” at UPS. Over 1,000 Teamster members joined our webinar to share strategies for protecting members from discipline and responding to management with Teamster unity.
Click the link below to watch and share the recording of the webinar on our YouTube channel!
Check out our resources on defending members from discipline, supervisors working, and OJS.
UPS Teamsters just spent a year uniting to win a good contract. Now management will try to divide and demoralize us. We won't let that happen.
Whatever management's “flavor of the month” is in your area–from hoodies to attendance to methods–you can protect yourself and your coworkers.
In "Preparing for Hunting Season at UPS," we went over how to inform members, prevent unfair discipline, and respond to management's divide-and-conquer tactics.
Click for Resources on Preparing for Hunting Season
UPS Teamsters United is a network of UPS Teamsters. We are independent of the IBT and its affiliates.