The IBT Freight Division has given the green light to YRC to install front-facing cameras in all tractors to record events such as swerves, speeding, and hard braking. YRC has agreed to not use the recordings for discipline; only to “protect” drivers.
YRC has tested the cameras in Dallas, Houston, Jackson and Kansas City and is moving forward nation wide.
The cameras record constantly but preserve 8 seconds of video before an incident and 4 seconds afterward. IBT Freight Director Tyson Johnson, in a December 3 memo, states that the intent is “solely to reduce accidents” and “will likely serve to exonerate both the drivers and the company from many accidents.”
We hope so. That would be a win-win. But many Teamsters are concerned that technology that starts out as a win-win can end up as a win-lose, with another tool to fire drivers.
If we could count on a strong Freight Division and grievance procedure, we would cheer this on. Since we cannot count on that from the Hoffa administration, we urge drivers to be vigilant.