In Bed with Management on UPS Contract Vote

Who does the proposed UPS contract really help? One picture tells you all you need to know.

diad_thumb.jpgManagement is sending out DIAD messages to Teamsters in a desperate get-out-the-vote effort to push through contract givebacks.

Hoffa’s Package Division has been working hand-in-glove with the company. They hired a PR firm to sell members on two-tier 22.4 drivers and other givebacks. But the members weren’t buying what they were selling.

So the company is taking over the Vote Yes effort, including:

  • Captive audience meetings on the clock, so you are forced to be there to listen to Vote Yes propaganda.
  • Pressuring members, especially new part-timers, to Vote Yes.
  • Asking Teamsters, on the clock so they cannot just walk out, to sit at a computer and access management's propaganda website ("my contract impact statement") with management looking on.

When the company is campaigning this hard for a contract, you know it does not serve your interests.

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