Local 171 – Solidarity is in the House

The members of Local 171 in Roanoke Virginia give a shout-out to their officers and stewards for stepping up during this crisis. When any employer neglects its frontline workers, we demand action from them. And sometimes, we have to take action ourselves. We salute union leaders who do it!

sbarry_thumb.jpgScott Barry, a UPS package car driver and the VP of Local 171, writes that:

  • When the crisis hit, the stewards and new UPS safety committee members jumped into action. They’ve ensured that the company lives up to agreed-upon changes. They’ve been cleaning and sanitizing trucks, DIADs, keys and work areas daily. They’ve taped the floor to ensure proper distancing.

  • The local’s two business agents, Todd Robertson and Jim Pappas, and their families have spent two weeks making 1200 of washable facemasks for all 1200 members in all the shops.

  • Local 171 purchased a 55-gallon drum of cleaner and another of sanitizer. And provided gloves to all members.

Union leaders need to hold employers accountable. When leaders go the extra mile to also provide aid to all members in times of need, they show what the word “solidarity” means.

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