Coke Workers to Vote on Oct. 7

The Teamsters union said workers at Coca-Cola Enterprises facilities in College Park and Marietta will vote Oct. 7 on whether to be represented by the union. It's the latest step in an organizing campaign that has stirred controversy in Coca-Cola's hometown.

"We're very close to having unionized Coca-Cola employees in Atlanta," Dave Laughton, director of the union's brewery and soft drink division, said at a Sunday afternoon rally inside the meeting hall of Teamsters Local 728 in Atlanta. "If it's good for the rest of the country, it should be good for Atlanta."

Click here to read more at the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Teamsters Union Protests Coca Cola’s Labor Practices, as Company Shutters Plants

Although they work for a company that popularized the slogan “Have a Coke and a smile,” Coca-Cola workers are doing more frowning than ever these days.

While the world’s largest beverage company has come under fire for their reported anti-union activities abroad, the company is now facing growing labor conflicts here in the United States.

Click here to read more at In These Times.

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