More Hoffa Threats at UPS

The Hoffa administration is reportedly threatening UPS Teamsters in Western Pennsylvania who are voting this weekend for the third time on their supplemental agreement.

hoffa_thumb.jpgThe company’s latest offer removes the givebacks contained in the second offer, and restores pension money so that wage increases will not have to be partially diverted to the pension fund.

Those are important changes. 

The Hoffa administration has put UPSers and their local unions in Western Pennsylvania in an impossible situation by imposing the national contract and multiple supplements that were rejected by the majority of the members.

By playing divide and conquer, Hoffa and Denis Taylor have sided with management and gravely undermined our union's bargaining leverage. 

Now they are apparently issuing threats too. One local reported that Hoffa will implement the company’s inferior second offer if the new offer is rejected. If true, this would be illegal.

UPS management has stated that its current offer is on the table until May 10, over a month from now. (See Paragraph 4 of the offer).

Hoffa cannot legally threaten to impose a contract that is inferior to the offer the company has on the table.

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