June 8, 2007: Freight Teamsters be warned: the Freight Division apparently isn’t considering fighting to restore retiree health coverage where it has been devastated. Nor is there a plan to win a timetable for pension improvements.
On May 30 a three-page Freight Survey was mailed to all local union officers.
It has three questions (out of 15) on pensions and health care. But none of them call for any choice other than “maintaining Teamster pension plans” or “maintaining Teamster health plans.”
Maintaining a health plan is not anywhere near what we need.
We need affordable retiree health coverage restored in this contract in the Central States Fund and in other areas where it has been cut—guaranteed, in writing.
It is practical, it is in winnable, and it is necessary to restore promises made to Teamsters, and to keep our union growing and organizing.