Cuts at ABF?
“Now we’re dragged into this whole YRC mess. ABF is talking about needing lower wages and benefits in order to compete. We just got notice from the Michigan Teamster health fund that they’re changing our insurance because of reduced contributions from freight companies.”
Paul Boven, ABF Local 406, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Who Does Hoffa Work For?
“Hoffa’s trying to muscle Local 710 to get a revote to help YRC. Is he working for us or the company? Why don’t all the locals that voted down the YRC givebacks take over the International and throw Hoffa out for failure to represent the membership and our contract? We need to vote Hoffa out in 2011.”
Joe Dutka, YRC Local 710 Steward, Chicago
Hoffa Sold Us Out
“The Hoffa bums sold us out. They made us revote without any changes to the Memo of Understanding.
“A lot of past and present Teamsters have sacrificed to get a better life and now the IBT is giving it back without a fight. When election time comes, let’s make sure we get rid of them. I only pray that there is a union left to save.”
Mike Andrews, New Penn Local 404, Springfield, Mass.
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