Freight Teamsters Will Have Observers at the Vote Count

December 26, 2008: Rank-and-file freight Teamsters will have their own observers at the concessions vote count, thanks to TDU members who won that right.

The International Union has changed the deadline for ballots; the count date will now be Jan. 6.

Ed Brogan and Ed Taylor, both members of Philadelphia Local 107, will observe the vote count in Lanham, Md.

Freight Teamsters at YRCW are voting on a 10 percent wage cut that will last until 2013.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union will make the results available as soon as possible. Check for updates.

How TDU Won the Right to Contract Observers

Teamsters in the carhaul industry were the first to win the right to observers after they proved that a reported vote count for their supplement was false.

Three Teamsters, Donna McCuiston and Rick Miazga in Local 299, and Ava Miller in Local 332, were represented by TDU attorney Barbara Harvey when they sued in federal court over the vote. They had signed, notarized affidavits from a majority of affected members that they had a cast a No vote.

Rather than lose in court, the International Union settled the case with an agreement to grant observer rights in future contract ballot counts.

How New Rights Are Won

That’s how new rights are won for Teamsters. Members take action, with Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) being the driving force.

That’s how Teamster members won the right to vote on contract supplements, the right to majority rule on contracts, and the right to vote for our top Teamster officers.

These rights make our union more accountable to our members.

You can be part of the team that fights for and protects the right of Teamster members. Click here to join TDU today.


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