Is that a ghost employee?

A review of the IBT’s financial report – or the $150,000 Club Report posted on this website – shows that an International Organizer made a salary of $250,000 last year. Could this possibly be true?


Some members have asked that question, and the answer is No, it’s not true. But that’s what’s reported on the IBT financial report.


Former Teamster organizer Tim Lewis was fired by the Hoffa administration in 2010.  He went to court against his unlawful termination and the IBT had to pay over $1 million to Lewis and his attorney’s fees and costs.


That was paid from members’ treasury, not by the officials who did the deed.


Apparently, the International union was still paying for this fiasco in 2013 and chose to list Lewis as an “employee” on the 2013 LM-2 financial report, three years after he was terminated.


Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) listed Lewis in our report, to conform with data on the LM-2 form filed by the IBT with the Department of Labor. But no, he was not an organizer in 2013 and certainly was not paid an annual salary of $250,000. 

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