Happy Labor Day Weekend

August 30, 2013: Labor activists got an early start on Labor Day weekend this year—from fast food strikers to Teamsters standing up to contract givebacks.

Fast-food workers launched a one-day national strike to demand a living wage and the right for form unions. This as the largest Fast Food strike in U.S. history

We celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the March for Jobs and Freedom and union members and community organizations marched on Washington again demanding equality, jobs, voting rights, and more.

The Teamster rank-and-file is keeping the Labor Day spirit alive and well in our union—by standing up to corporate greed, benefit cuts and contract givebacks.

ABF Teamsters in the Central Region voted down their contract supplement for the second time.

UPS Teamsters are preparing for second contract votes in the Central Region, Southwest, Philadelphia and New Jersey and are organizing to stop healthcare cuts and win contract improvements.

UPS Freight Teamsters rejected their contract too and members are passing out stickers, leaflets, and petitions to keep building solidarity.

Retirees and active members are working with TDU to form a Teamster Pension Defense Committee to challenge legislative attacks on multi-employer pension funds.

Rank-and-file Teamsters and other working people are stepping up and standing together for a better future. That's something to celebrate this Labor Day.

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