Hoffa-Hall and Management Team Up to Sell Contract

June 5, 2013: You know something is up when senior management – the suits! – are passing out glossy brochures asking Teamsters to ratify the UPS contract.

That's exactly what's happening at the UPS Worldport in Louisville where management has already offered Teamsters a $1,000 bonus for voting yes.

The sales push is hot and heavy. Hoffa and Hall have now sent UPS Teamsters an unprecedented three Vote Yes mailings.

Those mailings are arriving without a hitch, unlike the ballots. The ballots were so messed up in Louisville Local 89 and Indianapolis Local 135 that the IBT had to send "do-over" mailings.  Members of Local 135 were given the wrong information regarding their health and pension coverage.

This is on top of the nationwide screw-up in which thousands of UPSers got UPS Freight return envelopes and vice versa.

Management Joins Hoffa-Hall Sales Team

In Louisville Local 89, Teamsters there have already received a barrage of mailings from Hoffa and Hall to vote yes. One of them "coincidentally" arrived the same day as the ballots and blamed Local 89 for a dues hike that was imposed by Ken Hall's office.

Now management is in on the act. Managers held captive audience meetings and one-on-ones to push a yes vote.

Management also illegally told Teamsters they could not say "vote no" while on the clock. (This violates the National Labor Relations Act which prohibits management from excluding union-related speech. If a worker can say "happy birthday" or "Go Miami Heat" while on the clock then they can legally say "vote no" and it is illegal for management to tell them to stop).

Now, for what we believe is the first time in UPS's long history, they are actually directing management to leaflet every Teamster with a fancy brochure urging a Yes vote.

When the car salesman has to resort to this many sales tricks, you may be looking at a lemon.

We urge all UPS Teamsters to send in a ballot. Make your decision and make your voice count. Independent rank and file observers will witness the ballot count.

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