IBT Issues Interpretations of YRCW Concession Agreement

July 23, 2012: The Freight Division of the International Union has issued an 18-page memo settling a number of grievances filed by YRCW Teamsters and local unions, and giving guidance on future grievances.

A copy is available here, so that Teamsters working at YRC, Holland, and New Penn can better enforce the contract.

The memorandum comes 21 months after the deal was made. The memo reports that YRC and the International union reached a final resolution last week. Many of the decisions were made much earlier, in 2012 or 2011.

Some grievances are upheld, some denied, and some clarifications made.

In some cases the company is directed to respect past practice, but with no monetary penalties for a pattern of violations (respecting seniority with respect to local cartage work assignments and overtime, breaks for 4-hour employees, foreign road drivers being required to break units and dock trailers, etc). In the case of past practice violations of vacation pay calculation in the Central Supplement and others, back pay was awarded where timely grievances were filed by individuals or locals.

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