IBT Race Is Wide Open

August 11, 2010: Dumped by his top running mate. His administration divided. Hoffa’s days may be numbered.

But only if Teamster members organize to make it happen.

Poor Jim Hoffa. Twelve years after riding his famous last name into office, it’s clear to even his closest allies that James P. Hoffa is not his father.

Hoffa’s top running mate, Tom Keegel, has announced his retirement and publicly stated that the union is on the wrong road. (See story, page 3).

The campaign for next year’s election for International Union officers is barely underway and already a half dozen top members of the Hoffa administration have defected, including five General Executive Board members.

The upheaval at the top of our union creates an opportunity for working Teamsters who have paid the price for Hoffa’s weak leadership. The race for IBT General President in 2011 is wide open.

No reform candidate for General President has announced yet. Nominations will be held at the IBT Convention in June 2011, and 1.3 million Teamsters will vote by mail ballot in November 2011.

But the time to organize for change is now. It will take 175,000 votes to elect the next General President. TDU is dedicated to building the grassroots army that can turn out these votes to win.

Contact TDU about how we can work together to dump Hoffa and elect leadership that will fight for the members.

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