Leedham Hits Road, Gains Ground

March 16, 2006: The winds of change are blowing in the Windy City, says Mark Day, a UPS driver in Chicago Local 705. “The members of my local are getting behind Tom Leedham.

We’re going to win big-time come November,” Day said. “When members hear Tom, they know he’s for real. They’re tired of the empty Hoffa talk. Tom’s the guy they want leading our union when we take on UPS, Overnite or fighting for our benefits.” Day organized a Chicago campaign meeting with Leedham in early March as part of the Strong Contracts, Good Pensions tour.

As Leedham Slate candidates hit the road, it’s clear the campaign is gaining ground. At a full house in Boston, Leedham asked the crowd, “How many of you voted for Hoffa last time?” More than 100 hands in the room went up. Not this time around. “I went to Hoffa rallies and I cheered with everybody else when he promised 25 & Out and No Dues Increase,” Local 82 member Billy MacDonald said. “I believed Hoffa’s tough talk about unity and power. But that’s all it was, talk.” Now MacDonald is running for convention delegate and building the Leedham Campaign.

For information on where candidates will be next, or to set up a visit by a candidate, contact the Leedham Campaign at (718) 287-6156 or on the web at www.leedham2006.org

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