August 12, 2011: I’m writing you from the campaign trail. I’m in the middle of a Rust Belt Tour that’s taken me through Western Pennsylvania, Ohio and Detroit.
The response has been overwhelming. Everywhere I go members tell me Hoffa’s time is up and we need a new General President that will stand up to employers, protect our contracts and benefits and rebuild our union’s power.
I have no doubt we can win this election. But I’ll need your help.
In a three-way race, it will take 150,000 votes to win. I got 100,000 votes in the 2006 International Union election. We’re within striking distance of making Teamster history.
Here’s what it will take to win and how you can help.
- We need to reach 250,000 Teamsters in an outreach campaign. I’m traveling the country to reach as many Teamsters as I can. I need supporters like you to reach out to Teamsters in your backyard. Click here to download campaign leaflets. Click here to order pole stickers to increase our campaign’s visibility.
- We need 150,000 cell phone numbers and email addresses. When the ballots go out on Oct. 6, we need to phone and email 150,000 supporters and remind them to vote. It will only happen with your help! Click here to download a form to collect cell phone numbers and email addresses from Teamster supporters. Click here to volunteer to make phone calls to Get Out the Vote in your area come October.
- We need to send a Get Out the Vote mailing to Teamster supporters nationwide to remind them to vote. We’ve launched a campaign raffle and fundraising drive to raise the $250,000 we need to pay for this mailing and our campaign outreach and Get Out the Vote campaign. Please dig deep and do your part! Click here to order raffle tickets. Click here to donate to our Get Out the Vote war chest.
I have no doubt that working together we can make win this election and make Teamster history. Send me a message with your comments and what you can do to help beat Hoffa and rebuild Teamster Power.
In solidarity,
Sandy Pope
P.S. A huge thank you to all my Teamster brothers and sisters who are contributing their time and hard-earned dollars to this campaign. We’ve launched a nationwide fundraising appeal to ask you to dig deep for the stretch run. Click here to check it out. And click here to donate online.
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