Just a word of thanks to Dave Thornsberry and the men and women like him at the Teamsters Convention.
I was a proud Teamster in the ‘97 strike and it makes me sick to watch this great union going down the toilet the last decade under this so-called leadership.
I may not be able to vote. But I can give my time, and I would like to challenge all the other retirees to contact someone in their area and volunteer.
Let’s elect Sandy Pope, a real Teamster, to lead us forward! Don’t wait till it’s too late.
Wayne Sharp Local 89, Retired Louisville, Ky.
Stand Up!
On June 24, I rallied with 25,000 union activists against anti-union legislation in New Jersey. Governor Chris Christie denied all the unions the right to negotiate pensions and health benefits for all state, county, and municipal union workers.
I am writing you with great disappointment. I went with another retired Teamster—and we were both shocked and disappointed that out of 25,000 union activists, we saw only one other Teamster, and he was from a New York local.
The Teamsters represent hundreds if not thousands of public sector workers in New Jersey.
I can only hope that Sandy Pope can change the image of our great union and in the future be a force to be reckoned with.
Frank Klem Local 701, Retired New Jersey
The last issue of Teamster Voice incorrectly quoted brother Curtiss Zeolla. His quote should have read: “We’ve got to get out there to support Sandy Pope, and the TDU Convention is where we’ll plan the final push to win. I was so encouraged to meet all the great Teamsters at my first convention last year. I’ll see you in Cleveland.”