Report from the Freight Vote Count
It was an honor to represent working Teamsters as an observer at the freight contract vote count.
Members can rest assured that the process was monitored and on the up and up.
But many members have questions about who got ballots, and why?
The explanation we got at the count was that all locals were responsible for creating the mailing list for the ballot. The IBT put it on the locals when it came to eligibility issues.
That said, the outcome was clear, as the majority supported this contract.
Now will come the job of enforcing the agreement and seeing how new language for utility employees and four-hour dock casuals plays out. It’s up to us to continue to defend our union standards.
Jimmy Rickert
Local 429, Roadway
Reading, Penn.
Why Cincinnati Voted No
Local 100 members voted the contract down, both road and local. It’s important to note that the officers of our local supported the contract even though they campaigned against Hoffa.
They voted with him and against the wishes of the majority of our membership.
The members in Cincinnati were the best judge of this contract—not our leadership!
John McCune
Local 100, Roadway
Our Right to Contract Info
In your last issue you covered members’ right to have a copy of their contract. Does that also apply to supplemental agreements? Many locals have side letter agreements, addendum’s, memorandums of understandings, part-time agreements, long-haul agreements, and more. What info can we get?
The Hook
Local 848, Vons
Los Angeles, Calif.