Members Stop UPS Freight from Stealing Christmas

December 17, 2008: UPS Freight tried to steal Christmas from 12,000 Teamsters. That won’t happen thanks to union action.

UPS Freight management tried to get out of paying holiday pay for Dec. 24 and 25 by declaring Dec. 26 a “no service day.”

Poorly-written language in the UPS Freight agreement states Teamsters will get holiday pay “provided they work either the day before and the day after the holiday.” (Article 25, Section 4)

The company claimed that since no one is working on Dec. 26, they don’t have the two holidays.

Teamsters at numerous terminals filed grievances—and they’ve won.

UPS management is now agreeing to pay holiday pay for all Teamsters who work both their last scheduled tour before the Christmas holiday, and their first scheduled tour after the holiday.

This victory shows that when Teamsters stick together and make our voices heard, we can make even the world’s largest transportation company deliver.

Click here to download the UPS Freight contract.

Do you have a question about your contract or the Teamsters Union? Click here to send a confidential question to Teamsters for a Democratic Union. A TDU organizer will get back with you.

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