In Memoriam: Steve Pocztowski

July 15, 2011: Steve Pocztowski, the secretary treasurer of Chicago Local 705, passed away on July 2 in Las Vegas as he prepared to leave the Teamster Convention. This was just three days after his nomination for Central Region Vice President, on the Hoffa slate.

Steve worked his way up in the union, starting in 1974 as a part-timer at UPS. In 2003 he was elected principal officer, defeating an incumbent leader for the first time in Local 705 history. He was known as a militant leader and a unifier.

He is survived by his wife Linda and two sons, Stephen and Kevin.

The Local 705 Executive Board has tapped Juan Campos as the new secretary treasurer. Campos previously served as the recording secretary and a union representative for UPS members.

As we go to press, the issue of whether Pocztowski’s name will remain on the ballot this fall in the IBT election is not settled. In early July, Election Supervisor Richard Mark requested comments on the issue. This question will likely be decided soon.

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