As of Jan. 31, the Hoffa campaign reported raising nearly $1 million. Incredibly, some 96 percent of the money is from Teamster officials, and 30 percent is directly from Hoffa staffers and appointees, with much more from their own appointees and associates. Of $987,000 raised, $784,000 (80 percent) came from donations of over $500, and 61 percent came from donations of over $1,000. Only four percent came from donations under $100, where rank and file Teamsters enter the picture.
$282,000 came directly from persons who get paychecks signed by James Hoffa and Tom Keegel, on the IBT payroll. Many of them in turn collected bundles from their own appointees.
When Hoffa first ran for office, he could rally working Teamsters—inspired by the memory of a growing Teamsters Union under his father—to chant his name and donate. Very few working Teamsters are interested in doing either anymore, so he relies on his extensive network of payrollers.
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