January 23, 2013: The members have spoken and re-elected 804 Members United, the reform leadership in one of the largest UPS locals in the country.
Local 804 represents more than 6,000 UPS Teamsters in metropolitan New York. Voter turnout was high in a hotly-contested three way race that pitted 804 Members United against two slates led by former Local 804 officers.
"Local 804 members are passionate and opinionated. They get involved. That's what a democratic union is all about and it's what makes Local 804 so strong," said President Tim Sylvester. "With the election behind us, Local 804 members will do what we always do—come together, stand united and fight for a better contract."
Local 804 is covered by the national contract and its own local supplement.
Local 804 Members United was elected three years ago after they led a rank-and-file contract campaign that defeated concessions in the Local 804 Supplement and saved 25 & Out pensions.
Key issues at the bargaining table this time around include pensions and grievance procedure improvements to provide swifter justice and protection from unfair discipline.
"The membership re-elected 804 Members United because they want to go forward, not backwards," said package driver Ken Reiman. "At contract time, they want an Executive Board that will keep members informed, tell us the truth and stand up to the company."