Organizing at the Bottom to Win at the Top

January 8, 2015: The Vote No movement showed that a majority of Teamsters in key industries oppose Hoffa-Hall's concessions.

But are we ready to get to work to elect new Teamster leadership?
Working Teamsters organized an unprecedented Vote No movement against contract concessions and benefit cuts last year.
Teamsters can have new leadership and a new direction in our union. But it won’t be easy or automatic.
Hoffa has a built-in campaign organization. He has a huge payroll with over 100 officials who get multiple union salaries. This patronage system is Hoffa’s built-in fundraising and campaign machine.
To defeat him, Teamster members need to build a campaign machine of our own—a
grassroots army of Teamster volunteers. TDU has analyzed the local-by-local results from each of the last six IBT elections. In each election, where Teamsters were actively campaigning for reform candidates, voter turnout was higher and reform candidates won.
With more boots on the ground—and a united coalition slate—we can win in 2016.

Building Local Campaign Committees “The time is now to lay the ground work for winning in 2016. We need to organize campaign committees in every local. We’re building ours in Local 413 and are making plans for a rally in February.” 
Nick Perry, UPS, Local 413, Columbus, Ohio

Organizing a Grassroots Petition Army “The accreditation petition is the first big test of the campaign. We will need to collect thousands of signatures from Teamsters across the country. This needs to be a grassroots effort. I’m ready to do my part and petition in my local and joint council.”
Craig Karnia, UPS, Local 705, Chicago

Funding a Campaign War Chest “It’s going to take money to beat Hoffa. We need large and small contributions to build the campaign war chest. I’m ready to donate and help raise more.”
Matt Studd, Cassens, Local 327, Nashville, Tenn


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