Racking up Organizing Wins at UPS Freight

March 27, 2008: As we go to press, the International Union has reached a tentative agreement for a national contract at UPS Freight. UPS Freight Teamsters will get to vote on the new contract, and they need to take a close look at the agreement and make an informed choice.

All Teamsters can be proud of the impressive organizing taking place at UPS Freight. These brothers and sisters are joining our ranks to ensure a better future for themselves and their families. That future will be determined first and foremost by the negotiated contract.

The Indianapolis contract has been in place now for some months. What improvements can be made on it? With our union now bargaining for over 9,000 (and growing) UPS Freight Teamsters, we’re a lot stronger than during the initial Indy bargaining.

Having a strong at UPS Freight is crucial for building a strong future for all freight Teamsters.

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