Read the Secret Tentative Agreement at DHL

February 22, 2008: TDU has obtained the details of new givebacks proposed at DHL.

Seven months ago, Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) exposed a secret sell-out negotiated by International Rep. Brad Slawson with DHL. Members got organized, opposed the givebacks, and the deal was shelved.

But now it is back off the shelf, and remains as dangerous as ever.

TDU has obtained a copy of the new agreement that our negotiators are finalizing. The Hoffa administration claims it is negotiating the “Strongest Contract Ever” for DHL Teamsters. But their secret deal contains givebacks that will destroy full-time jobs, eliminate overtime, and gut our rights.

This is your contract and you should not be kept in the dark. That’s why TDU is making a leaked copy of the new tentative agreement available to all DHL Teamsters.

We urge you to read the contract, discuss it with other DHL Teamsters and decide for yourselves.

We have a choice to make. We can lie down and watch decades of Teamster progress disappear, or we can stand together to protect our jobs, our contract, and our future.

The tentative agreement presented here is only partially completed. But it shows that chief negotiator Brad Slawson, Sr. has once again agreed to language that will let DHL use part-timers to drive, load, unload and work the ramp.

DHL wants a UPS operation—but without UPS’s $28.50 wages—and the Hoffa administration is ready to give it to them.

Our jobs, overtime and rights are on the line. It’s time to get informed and take a stand. United, we can defend our contract and our future.

Click here for a leaflet that summarizes the proposed deal. Please distribute this information to DHL Teamsters.

Click here for National Agreement Status and Tentative Agreements. Warning: Large file - may take a while to download. Please be patient.

Click here for Pick Up & Delivery Operational Supplement Status and Tentative Agreements. Warning: Large file - may take a while to download. Please be patient.

Click here to tell us what you think or to let us know that you want to be help defeat the proposed contract givebacks.

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