Reform Leaders Elected in Local 804

December 3, 2009: UPS Teamsters in New York have elected a reform team to lead Local 804—one of the most powerful Teamster locals in the country. In record turnout, the 804 Members United Slate swept their local union election with 68 percent of the vote.

Local 804 represents 7,000 Teamsters in metro New York—most of them employed at UPS.

“This is a tremendous victory for Teamsters who believe we can stand up to big companies and the old guard and take back our union,” said Jim Reynolds, the newly-elected Secretary-Treasurer of Local 804 and a long-time TDU leader.

“Local 804 members have proven with their courage and their action that when Teamsters go from anger to hope—and from hope to action—there’s nothing we can’t do,” Reynolds said.

The election victory capped a grassroots campaign that began when Local 804 leaders mobilized the membership to reject the UPS contract by nearly three to one.

UPS was forced to put a better offer on the table—one that reversed a 30 percent pension cut, stopped a proposed 10 cent wage cut, and saved 25 & Out for every Local 804 member.

“That gave us hope that we could win change,” said Ken Reiman, a newly elected business agent. “We saw that members were more willing to stand up to UPS than our local officials were. It was clear it was time for a new direction.”

804 Members United was born.

On January 1, the new leadership team will take office and the real work will begin.

“We laid out ten changes we’ll make to build a stronger Local 804,” said President-Elect Tim Sylvester. “We’re not going to be able to fix all the problems overnight. But we’re committed to implementing a reform program and tapping the power of an informed and organized membership.”

Watch the campaign video 804 Members Uniting for Change below.

804 Members United for Change from 804 Members United on Vimeo.

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