Republic Flight Attendants Get Contract in Shady Vote

August 22, 2013: Teamsters at UPS, UPS Freight and ABF have questioned their contract voting procedures, but consider the crap which 2,000 Teamster flight attendants have been fed.

Their contract was deemed "ratified" on July 31 by a vote of 646-440 under these conditions:

The ballots were to be returned in a single envelope, and no name or ID was required on it. Anyone with an envelope and ballot could mail in one, two or many ballots.

The ballots could easily be read by holding the envelope up to the light.

Hundreds of members did not get a ballot, and when they requested one, were told No.

No impartial monitor or observer was used for the count.

Complaints to Local 135 (which represents all 2,000) and the Airline Division director were ignored.

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