September 15, 2011: Sandy Pope has a proven record of delivering for Teamster members.
A Proven Leader
A 33-year Teamster, Sandy Pope rose from the ranks as a freight driver in Cleveland Local 407 and has worked at every level of our union, as an organizer, a business agent, Local Union President, and International Representative.
Negotiating Strong Contracts
When management at Fordham University tried to make Local 805 members pay for part of our health benefits, Sandy Pope told them No Way.
Their new contract makes the employer pay 100 percent of their healthcare, and they won wage and pension increases too.
Beating Big Corporations
Sandy Pope helped grocery Teamsters win the first ever union contract with C&S, the biggest nonunion food distribution company in the world. Sandy won a neutrality agreement that gave our union the power to organize other nonunion C&S warehouses. But Hoffa let it expire and 1,500 C&S Teamsters lost their jobs.
Protecting Teamster Jobs and Benefits
“After a decade of concessions, Sandy Pope helped us negotiate a contract that saved our pension and restored the healthcare benefits we had lost,” said Anthony Meyers, a member of the bargaining committee for the Local 814 Moving and Storage contract.