TDU Convention 2007

"Enforcing our contract, reforming our bylaws, running for office: we learned it at the TDU Convention.”
Duke Clark,
Local 726, City of Chicago

The TDU Convention brings together concerned Teamsters who are building a rank-and-file movement to defend our contracts and benefits and rebuild Teamster Power at the local and International Union levels.

The Attack on Teamster Benefits

This year’s Convention will focus on what Teamsters can do about the attack on our benefits:

Protecting Our Pensions: Employers are trying to cut our pensions and even break out of Teamster funds. Teamsters and pension experts will look at the latest changes in our funds and pension legislation—and talk about what it will take to win this fight.

Winning Affordable Healthcare: Learn successful strategies from Teamsters who are bargaining strong benefits, winning affordable retiree healthcare and organizing for healthcare reform.

Meet and Strategize with Teamsters from Your Industry

“I’ve met some many great UPS activists by coming to the TDU Convention. It’s our place to network, meet new people and learn from other UPSers. I’ll definitely be there this year.”
Wayne Phillips,
UPS Package Car Steward
Local 243, Detroit

“Freight Can’t wait until 2008. Be in Chicago and help draw up the plans to strengthen and protect our contract.”
Tim Pagel, Yellow Freight
Local 988, Houston

The TDU Convention is the place to meet with Teamsters in your industry to strategize about contracts and contract enforcement

Special sessions will be held for Teamsters from:

  • UPS
  • Freight
  • DHL
  • Carhaul
  • Warehouse
  • Waste
  • Rail
  • Public Sector
  • Movers
  • Trade show
  • And more!

Caucus meetings will also be held for African American, Latino and women Teamsters.

Click here to register online.

For more information or to register by phone, call the TDU office at (313)842-2600.

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Recent News

Webinar: Getting the Goods to Win Your UPS Grievance

In this webinar, you'll learn proven strategies to win grievances at UPS, and how to deal with retaliation from management. Review how to document your case to win a good settlement and be prepared if the case goes to panel. Register for the webinar on Sunday, March 16 at 12 PM ET / 11 AM CT / 10 AM MT / 9 AM PT.

Resources: Hunting Season and Your Rights at UPS

Peak season is over. But a new year brings new problems: Surepost chaos, production harassment, and petty discipline. Teamster members joined our webinar to learn tried and true strategies to protect yourself and fight discipline. Watch it here, then scroll for resources.

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