TDU Leaders Set Goals for 2007

Leaders of Teamsters for a Democratic Union met on Sat., Jan. 6 to discuss Teamster reform goals for 2007. Local union reform and winning strong contracts were at the top of their list.

At the meeting, TDU’s International Steering Committee (ISC) decided to support the Make UPS Deliver campaign, building a movement of freight Teamsters for a stronger NMFA, and helping groups run for local office on a reform platform. 

“UPS wants to keep members in the dark about bargaining. Our job is to make our members aware of the issues that are at stake in bargaining,” said Michael Savwoir, a member of the ISC.

“UPS wants these negotiations wrapped up before Founder’s Day,” Savwoir said. “We’ve got the leverage we need to make UPS deliver.” Savwoir is a 37-year UPSer from Local 41 in Kansas City.
The International Steering Committee is an elected committee of TDU members that oversees the work of the organization. ISC members are elected at each TDU Convention, and the committee meets four times a year.

The leaders highlighted the need to continue educating Teamster members about their rights, especially in Teamster shops that are not covered by a national contract. This kind of outreach will be discussed again at the next committee meeting in the spring.
The steering committee launched a recruitment campaign to encourage Teamsters who want a new direction for our union to join Teamsters for a Democratic Union.

The next TDU Rank & File Convention will be Nov. 2-4 in Chicago. The committee is soliciting ideas and input for educational programs that should be a part of that big event.

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