May 2, 2014: How will the transition to new TeamCare coverage work for UPS Teamsters? TDU brings you the latest info and a sneak peak at upcoming mailings from TeamCare.
Starting June 1, over 140,000 UPS Teamsters will see a change in their healthcare coverage; most of them will be moving into TeamCare.
UPS Teamsters across the country mobilized to Vote No and fight healthcare cuts under TeamCare. The Vote No movement won some important benefit improvements.
With the International Union imposing the new UPS contract, TeamCare benefits will go into effect on June 1.
UPS Teamsters have questions. Here are some initial answers and a preview of upcoming mailings that TeamCare will be sending out over the next two weeks with information on enrollment, coverage, and more.
You can get more information online at or by calling the TeamCare hotline at 1-800-323-9257
The information provided here is from TeamCare.
Enrollment if You’re New to TeamCare
UPS Teamsters who are being moved into TeamCare will automatically be transitioned effective June 1.
TeamCare will send every new participant a summary of who in your household is covered based on the records provided by the UPS plan. If that information is correct, you do not need to do anything.
If you need to add a dependent or change information about who in your household is covered, call 1-800-323-9257.
The line is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m to 7 p.m Eastern time.
What If I’m Already Covered by TeamCare?
After members rejected a record 18 supplements and riders, Hoffa and Hall were forced to make improvements to TeamCare coverage for everyone, including for UPS Teamsters who are already in TeamCare.
UPS Teamsters who are already in TeamCare will be mailed a new Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC).
Despite the enhancements won by the Vote No movement, UPS Teamsters who are currently under TeamCare will still have substandard benefits compared to UPS Teamsters who are being moved into TeamCare from the company plan
TeamCare Mailings on the Way
UPS Teamsters who are moving into TeamCare will receive mailings from TeamCare, including:
- A Welcome Packet, including a Summary of Personal and Family Information provided to TeamCare by the UPS Plan.
- A two-page Benefit Profile.
- A more comprehensive Summary of Benefits & Coverage.
If you are new to TeamCare, you will also receive a mailing the week of May 12 from Blue Cross with a membership ID card. TeamCare will send out additional cards for other family members, and TeamCare ID cards to use for Dental, Vision and Pharmacy coverage in a separate mailing.
If you are already covered by TeamCare, you will not be mailed a new TeamCare ID card. Use your old card to get the new coverage.
TeamCare is holding conferences calls for members during May. Click here to see the Call Schedule and Call-In Information.
Your Network
You can check to confirm if your doctor or hospital is in the TeamCare network, at
Blue Cross: For most members who are currently in a Blue Cross network under the company plan, TeamCare’s Blue Cross network is exactly the same. The exceptions are for Teamsters who in Ohio who will now be in the Medical Mutual of Ohio network and Teamsters in Springfield, Mo. who will not be in the PHCS network.
Aetna: If you are currently in Aetna, you will be moving to a new network but TeamCare says that 96% of Aetna hospitals and 91% of doctors are covered .
Reimbursement Check for Overpayment of Out-of-Pocket Expenses & Deductibles
TeamCare representatives indicated on a conference call for Teamster officers that Teamsters will be reimbursed if they already paid deductibles this year which exceed the new deductible and will be reimbursed for payments made which exceeded the improved out-of-pocket limits which are now $1,000 for an individual and $2,000 for a family.
This reimbursement does not apply to reduced co-pays. Those go into effect on June 1. The reimbursement check only covers payments that exceed the reduced deductibles and out-of-pocket limits.
TeamCare says they will get the information from the UPS plan within 90 days and issue the reimbursement checks at that time. But TeamCare has not issued any written, detailed information on this reimbursement policy.
Retiree Healthcare
If you retired on or after January 1, 2014, your retiree healthcare coverage will be provided by TeamCare effective June 1.
Retirees and spouses will be covered until age 65. So will child dependents until age 19, or until age 25 if they are full-time students.